Athlone Boat Club
Elliott Road
Co. Westmeath
24th May 2022
Dear Friend & Supporter,
As you are aware, Athlone Boat Club has recently re-built its club house on the banks of the River Shannon. The cost to the club has been enormous and as a small club we struggle to fundraise.
We would be extremely grateful if your company would consider sponsoring a race at our regatta in Coosan Point on Saturday 18th June. Race sponsorship is at the reasonable rate of €100 per race, but donations of all sizes will be accepted and acknowledged.
Your company’s sponsorship would be recorded on our sponsors’ board, on an individual sponsorship sign and would be announced at the start and finish of the sponsored race. You, or a representative of your business, would be welcome to present the winners’ medals. Or we could send you a photograph of the presentation with your sponsorship board on display.
If you are interested in supporting Athlone Boat Club please visit this link Athlone Boat Club | Purchase Product (clubzap.com)
Yours gratefully,
Paul Donovan
Club President
086 278 3374.