A Message from the Athlone Boat Club Committee
Dear Club Supporter,
We would like to take this time to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to 2023 with excitement and pride in the club we have built and the rowers we continue to develop. In 2023 we will host an official opening date at the new club house and we hope to see you all on the day (TBC).
This year we take great pride in being named "Irelands best rowing club" and one of our own being recognised for women in sports award, the one and only "Coach Aisling Flanagan". As always our social media platforms will host a video looking back on 2022 at the close of this year. Father Christmas recently sent us a very supportive message from the North Pole about our Christmas draw which will be held at the club on December 26th at 12noon. Tickets are online and are sold by members and committee members for E5 each. Athlone Boat Club | Purchase Product
On behalf of all at Athlone Boat Club -Merry Christmas
Paul Donovan- Club President
A Message from our fundraising department:
As you are aware, we are well settled into our clubhouse and we are all reaping the benefits of the fabulous facilities. You are also aware of the need to maintain the building and meet the increased costs associated with it.
For this reason the committee is calling on your generosity again to ask you to consider making a donation into our 'donation account'. The application of the scheme means that if you are a PAYE taxpayer, in addition to the net amount donated, the club can apply to Revenue for a refund of the relevant amount of tax on the donation, either 20% or 40%, depending on your tax circumstances. For example, if you contribute €500 this is worth €833 to the club if your tax rate is 40%. You complete a form (see attached), and we make the submission to Revenue. For us to avail of the tax benefit the minimum annual donation is €250.
If you would like to make a donation you can lodge directly to our donation account at Bank of Ireland, this was specifically opened up to comply with Revenue requirements.
Contact paul.gallen@safe-harbour.ie for these details.
Once you have made a donation/lodgement we would appreciate it if you could complete the attached form and email or post it to our Treasurer Paul Gallen, Safe Harbour, Shancurragh, Coosan, Athlone, Co. Westmeath paul.gallen@safe-harbour.ie.
If you have any query on this PAYE scheme, or would like any details on the other categories of Self-Assessment or Corporate schemes, please call Paul Gallen in confidence on 087 243 1660.
· Don't forget it's not too late to buy (and sell!) some tickets for our Christmas Draw. Tickets available from any of the coaches or committee members. First prize is €1,000.
· Bag Pack in Supervalu Ballymahon Road on Tues and Weds next 20th & 21st. Please support us & Supervalu if you are shopping or passing by.
· Annual gathering on St. Stephen's Day 12:00 in the clubhouse. Hope to see you all there for the usual fun and especially the Christmas Draw!
Just some of the photos from this past year, keep an eye out for our Christmas video :)

Rian Claffey set an new Irish record on November 26th on the Concept 2 RowErg Mens 15-16 1000meters with a fantastic time of 2 minutes 49.4 seconds.

Athlone Boat Club | Purchase Product

Sarah Rockett came 3rd in the recent indoor rowing championships